成都初中英语培训机构前十名 (成都初中英语试卷)

成都洗浴 04-18 阅读:14 评论:0


成都初中英语培训机构前十名 (成都初中英语试卷)
排名 机构名称 地址 电话 特色
1 新东方教育科技集团 成都市锦江区一环路南三段155号万豪国际中心B座 028-86696677 小班制教学,个性化辅导,明星教师团队
2 学而思教育 成都市武侯区科华北路99号蓝光星城国际C4栋 028-85593600 大数据分析,精准教学,双师课堂
3 英孚教育 成都市锦江区东大街269号IFS国金中心T4-2 028-86763666 纯英语环境,外教授课,国际化课程
4 华尔街英语 成都市锦江区东大街269号IFS国金中心T2-2 028-86650979 沉浸式教学,个性化学习路径,职场英语培训
5 朗阁教育 成都市成华区建设北路二段366号中铁诺德中心9楼 028-84808181 听说读写一体化教学,分层分组教学,名师一对一辅导
6 环球教育 成都市金牛区天府大道北段1666号天府时代广场A座 028-85230666 雅思托福培训,出国留学规划,国际教育交流
7 新航道国际教育集团 成都市高新区南区天府大道北段3199号天府软件园A座 028-85111000 雅思托福培训,留学考试辅导,名师一对一辅导
8 金吉列留学 成都市青羊区东大街467号阳光世纪城1号楼 028-86695000 出国留学规划,语言培训,签证办理,海外服务
9 启德教育 成都市锦江区红星路三段168号财富中心A座 028-86557777 出国留学规划,语言培训,留学申请指导,海外服务
10 天道教育 成都市武侯区华兴中路168号天府软件园D4 028-85112222 雅思托福培训,留学考试辅导,出国留学规划


除了培训机构,成都的中学生还可以通过模拟试卷来提升自己的英语水平。以下是一份成都初中英语试卷供参考:一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. The teacher asked the students to _______ their homework by Friday. (A) finish (B) finished (C) finishing (D) to finish2. I'm not sure _______ I can go to the party tonight. (A) if (B) that (C) whether (D) which3. The baby looks _______ his father. (A) as (B) like (C) as like (D) so like4. We _______ our friends at the airport yesterday. (A) met (B) have met (C) had met (D) are meeting5. _______ I was late for school, the teacher didn't punish me. (A) Although (B) Because (C) When (D) If二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)I have a good friend named Mary. She is a teacher. She ______ a school in the countryside. She gets up ______ every morning and goes to work. She ______ her students very much. She is a ______ teacher.One day, Mary was ______ her way to school when she saw a little boy ______ by the roadside. He was crying. Mary ______ him what was wrong. The boy told her that he had ______ his way home. Mary felt ______ him. She took him to her school and ______ him there until his mother came.三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1The Internet has become a very important part of our lives. We use it for everything from shopping to communicating to learning. But it's important to remember that the Internet can also be a dangerous place.There are many ways that you can stay safe online. One way is to be careful about what you share. Don't share your personal information, such as your address or phone number, with anyone you don't know. Another way to stay safe is to be careful about what you click on. Don't click on links from people you don't know or from websites that look suspicious.If you ever feel uncomfortable or threatened online, you should talk to an adult you trust. You canalso contact the police or the FBI.1. What does the passage mainly talk about?2. How can you stay safe online?Passage 2The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It was built over many centuries to protect China from invaders. The wall is over 13,000 miles long and is made of stone, brick, and wood.The construction of the Great Wall began in the 7th century BC. It was built by millions of workers, including soldiers, prisoners, and farmers. The wall was built in sections, and it took many years to complete.The Great Wall is a symbol of Chinese history and culture. It is a testament to the strength and ingenuity of the Chinese people.1. When was the Great Wall of China built?2. What is the Great Wall made of?四、写作(共50分)请写一篇关于你的梦想的英语作文,题目为:My Dream。你的作文应该包括以下要点:你的梦想是什么为何有这个梦想你为了实现梦想做了什么你希望如何实现你的梦想希望这份资料能为成都的中学生提供帮助。


